
Wise County Sheriff’s Office Weekly Report

March 9, 2017

The Wise County Sheriff’s Office reports the following activities for the period of 02/27/2017 through 03/05/2017.

Wise Central Dispatch received a total of 1,543 calls for this seven-day period.
Of the total calls received 290 were dispatched to the Sheriff’s Office
Total number of Domestic calls for this period was 10.
Criminal Process for this period: Served 35 Felony Warrants, 38 Misdemeanor Warrants, 3 DUI Arrests.
Civil Process Served: 309 Civil Papers
Traffic Accidents: 5
8 Additional Criminal Investigations were initiated and 17 Cleared by Arrest.
Sheriff’s Office provided 256 man-hours of Court Room Security.
Unlocked Vehicles: 18
Escorted Funerals: 3

The Sheriff’s Office Total Transport for this period: 6
Total Transport Hours: 40.5

2,250 Visitors to Courthouse.

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