
Closed-Loop Pumped Storage Hydro Bill Introduced by Griffith

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) recently introduced legislation to promote closed-loop pumped storage hydropower. The possibility of developing pumped-storage in Virginia’s coalfields is a developing idea that has potential to generate substantial economic activity. Congressman Griffith said, “Our state legislators have worked hard to facilitate the deployment of this technology in the coalfields, and my bill provides the support necessary to…

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Senator Ben Chafin: Highlights from the 2017 General Assembly Session

The 2017 General Assembly Session has adjourned. Throughout our two months in Richmond, we worked tirelessly to achieve success for Southwest Virginia. The Roanoke times called this session the “most productive in a generation” praising the work of the members from Southwest Virginia. My Senate Bill 1418 passed the House and Senate is now before the Governor. The legislation streamlines…

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Senator Ben Chafin’s Weekly Virginia General Assembly Update 2-14

The General Assembly Session has flown by this year with only two full weeks in Richmond remaining. The Senate is working at a rapid pace hearing bills from the House of Delegates and working on the budget. In a previous update, I described my Senate Bill 1418 I am carrying with Delegate Terry Kilgore to streamline the burdensome regulatory process…

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Senator Ben Chafin’s Weekly General Assembly Update January 26th

The 45-day General Assembly Session is continuing at a rapid pace with legislation quickly moving through the committee process.  Many visitors and constituents from Southwest Virginia will make the trip to Richmond this week.  On Thursday, January 26th, the Southwest Virginia Coalfield Counties’ Annual Reception will take place here in Richmond.  It is a wonderful event that helps highlight the…

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